
가을 기러기

문성식 2010. 10. 13. 09:24

가을 기러기

It was a beautiful evening

Sandhill cranes at sunset

The sun set wonderfully, 

The cranes are flying

Flying into the sun

Fly the friendly skies! 

Fly By Night

Canada Geese flying over.

Sandhill crane flight

Snow geese triplets at Bosque !

A sneak peak at the Bosque Del Apache season ! 

Same place where I did the sun shot

Sandhill cranes in Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife refuge, 

In Bosque del apache national wildlife refuge

Sandhill crane in flight at Bosque del apache

At Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, 

Snow goose landing amidst

In Bosque del apache national wildlife refuge

At Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

At Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Snowgoose in flight.

At Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, 

Snow geese in Bosque del apache national wildlife refuge

Mallards take off 

Snow geese take-off


Snow geese in Bosque del apache national wildlife refuge

Snow geese refuge

Snow geese in Bosque del apache national wildlife refuge

Mass take-off snow geese!

In Bosque del apache national wildlife refuge

flying geese in the sky

Conjoined twins ?!

Sandhill cranes in flight, 

the sandhill crane addiction 

At Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Come on, let's fly away, it's the weekend !

Snow goose in flight 

Canada Geese take-off - in an icy lake

Some better luck with Canada geese

Sandhill crane take-off

Sunrise Flight 

Ghost Flight

Wild And Free

3 Geese

Follow the Leader

I finally got some of these beauties.

Canada Geese

GBH in flight Night

Snow day

I had to do them with the moon 

음악 / Autunm leaves (고엽) / Andrea Bocellix-text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" showstatusbar="1" volume="0" loop="-1" autostart="true" EnableContextMenu="0">

출처 :Blue Gull 원문보기   글쓴이 :Blue Gull

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