▲서울 기념비각(紀念碑閣). 고종 기념관, 서울, c1910
▲서울 창경원(昌慶苑). Zoo in Ch'anggyŏng Garden, Seoul, c1930s 서울, c1930s 동물원
▲ 서울 대한의원(大韓醫院). Taehan 병원, 서울, c1910
▲서울 원구단(圓丘壇). Altar of Heaven, Seoul, c1910
▲조선호텔에서 본 원구단 황궁우(圓丘壇 皇穹宇). Hwanggung-u Pavilion seen from Chosen Hotel, c1930s
▲조선 호텔, 서울, c1920s
▲Korean quarters, Seoul, c1920s
This photo may illustrate why there are so few old buildings left in Seoul (apart from monumental structures such as palaces or town gates). Average Korean houses simply were not built to last several centuries.
▲서울 부민관(府民館). Pumin-gwan, Seoul, c1940
▲서울 시내, c1930
The Seoul City Hall and the former capitol building, both completed by the Japanese in 1926, dominate the view. The ground plan of the capitol building, the seat of the Government-General, formed the character 日 while the city hall building formed a 本, together forming the characters for Japan (日本). (It may sound a bit far-fetched but this is how many Koreans understood it.) This symbolism was broken when the capitol building was demolished in 1996. Still, some saw the need to go even further. At present, the rear wing of the city hall is being torn down to make way for an extension. However, some claim this was necessary in order to eradicate the vertical stroke of the character 本 ...
▲일제강점기 사진엽서 - 서울 역사(京城驛). Completed in 1925.
▲서울역, c1930s 남대문 거리
▲서울 남대문(南大門). Namdae-mun, Seoul, c1930s
▲서울 시내, c1920
▲일제강점기 사진엽서 - 서울 조선은행(朝鮮銀行) Bank of Korea, Seoul, c1920
▲서울 조선신궁(朝鮮神宮) Chosen Shinto Shrine stairway, c1930s
▲서울 조선신궁(朝鮮神宮).
▲경복궁 광화문(景福宮 光化門). Kwanghwa-mun, Seoul, c1910
▲서울 조선총독부(朝鮮總督府). Government-General building, Seoul, c1930s
▲명동. Myŏng-dong entrance, Seoul, c1930s
▲ 남산에서 본 서울 Seoul from Nam-san, c1910
▲서울 탑골공원. Pagoda Park, Seoul, c1910
▲서울 창의문(彰義門) Little North Gate, Seoul, c1910
▲서울 동대문(東大門)Great East Gate, Seoul, c1930s
▲서울 서대문(西大門). Great West Gate, Seoul, c1910
▲서울 독립문(獨立門). Independence Arch, Seoul, c1930s
▲경성제국대학(京城帝國大學). Keijo Imperial University, c1930s
▲한강철교.Han River railway bridge, Seoul, c1920s
▲한강 인도교. Han River bridge, Seoul, c1930s
▲용산역(龍山停車場)Yongsan Station, Seoul, c1930s
▲서울 종로. Chong-no with Hwashin Department Store, Seoul, c1930s
▲서울 조선은행(朝鮮銀行).Bank of Korea, Seoul, c1910
▲서울 덕수궁 석조전(德壽宮 石造殿).Stone Hall, Tŏksu Palace, Seoul, c1920s
▲서울 보신각(普信閣).Posin-gak pavilion, Seoul, c1910
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